CAUSINDY supporting ‘Diamonds in the Rough’ in Jakarta
CAUSINDY is thrilled to support Paul Meade’s (delegate 2015) ‘Diamonds in the Rough’ program. Diamonds in the Rough is an an empowerment and engagement program for Indonesian girls, made possible by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and in conjunction with Baseball Australia, the NoMore organisation and CAUSINDY.
As part of this fantastic initiative we would like to extend an invitation to you to attend one or all of our special events to be held in Jakarta during our week long program (21-29 May 2016).
No More Exhibition Game (@Senayan Baseball Field) , Tuesday 24 May, at 7pm
The Emeralds squad members will take on the DKI men’s team on “a level playing field.” Mr Charlie King, founder of the No More program will provide insight into raising awareness of domestic violence issues, and the players and crowd will be invited to symbolically link arms to say “No More” to domestic violence.
Baseball Carnival and Exhibition Game (@ Senayan Baseball Field) , Saturday 28 May
The program will celebrate its final day with an exhibition game against a local men’s baseball team, a carnival/clinic for Indonesian girls aged 10-14 and a final party. The clinic will run from 8am-10am, followed by the exhibition game and then the lunch/party celebration.
We hope to see you there!