Agustian Sutrisno
Senior Lecturer, Atma Jaya Catholic University
Agustian Sutrisno is a senior lecturer at Atma Jaya Catholic University in Jakarta. He is concurrently a Consultant for Australia Awards in Indonesia. He was awarded the Prime-Minister’s Endeavour Australia-Asia Postgraduate Scholarship to undertake his PhD at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Dr Sutrisno won the 2014 QUT Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award and the 2015 Outstanding Post-Graduate Thesis Award from the International Education Association of Australia. Prior to his PhD studies, he was the National Program Officer for Governance at the Jakarta Bureau of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Policy Adviser (Education and Training) at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. Dr Sutrisno completed his master’s degree from the University of New South Wales. He was the best graduate of the University of Indonesia in 2003, where he completed his BA. His research interests include knowledge transfer, higher education management, and transnational education.
Agustian is this year’s UNSW delegate.